I can still remember to this day sitting at the computer in 8th grade, playing in word ( I had nothing as fancy as photoshop, not even powerpoint ) playing with kerning and the way the letters would sit next to one another. I was only placing simple words. One to two letter words. Though each word needed full attention with spacing and design. The way the curve of the ‘s’ lead into the angle of the ‘a’. Creating this whole image out of things as simple as letters.
I also remember what movie I was watching that made me jump off of the couch and start playing in word. ( The movie shall remain a mystery to everyone reading. It is something for me know and well, frankly you to never find out. ) This movie sparked this urge in me to start some type of publication. So I started designing magazine titles. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a part of a publication in some way or another. I figured either help design, be part of the production, or simply own it and start it from the ground up.
So I put my foot in any type of activity that would teach me whatever it was I really needed to know to be part of a publication. Yearbook in high school. Working for a magazine in college. Receiving a B.F.A in graphic Design and taking as many photography classes as I could.
Long story short. Here I go. The ball has to start rolling sooner or later, and honestly later is now here ( I have been talking about it for years, starting this blog ).
So here it is. VERGE. My blog magazine. The content? Well I want to focus on things up and coming, things that are already here, anything people find interesting. A regular lifestyle blog. The things you like, the things I like. Movies. Music. Video Games? Food. Fun. Fashion. Work out routines. Creative ideas. Creative people.
Here is the catch. This is just a teaser. I will not have the blog fully launched until March 1st. This will give me time, and you time if you like, to get together ideas. Cover things all over Texas.
So those in Dallas, send me ideas. Those in Austin, send me ideas. My friends in San Antonio, send me ideas.
You get the idea?